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Melasma are diffuse brownish patches that primarily appear as a result of hormonal changes but intensify and become noticeable after sun exposure.

What is melasma and how to identify it?

It is a common skin discoloration that manifests in the form of brownish or grayish-brown diffuse undefined patches that usually appear on the face. Melasma typically occurs in areas of the face that are more exposed to the sun, such as the cheeks, forehead, bridge of the nose, and upper lip.

How to treat melasma?

MELINE® offers two specialized treatments tailored to your skin tone, whether fair or dark. These treatments primarily target hormonal activity in melanocytes while also minimizing free radical damage. These actions prevent uncontrolled tyrosinase activity during melanin synthesis, thereby halting further hyperpigmentation or rebound effects. Furthermore, these treatments effectively eliminate darkened pigments from the skin and promote tissue renewal, resulting in brighter, firmer, and healthier skin.

Each treatment consists of 3 in-office sessions, followed by an easy-to-follow three-month at-home regime involving the application of both day and night creams.

1- Phototype I – III

Dark Circles

01 Caucasian Skin

Depigmenting chemical peel for the correction of melasma in fair skins.
Phototypes I-III.


Dark Circles

02 Caucasian Day

Day depigmenting serum for the correction of melasma in fair skins.
Phototypes I-III.


Dark Circles

02 Caucasian Night

Night depigmenting emulsion for the correction of melasma in fair skins.
Phototypes I-III.


2- Phototype IV – VI

Dark Circles

01 Ethnic Skin

Depigmenting chemical peel for the correction of melasma in dark skins.
Phototypes IV-VI.


Dark Circles

02 Ethnic Day

Day depigmenting serum for the correction of melasma in dark skins.
Phototypes IV-VI.


Dark Circles

02 Ethnic Night

Night depigmenting emulsion for the correction of melasma in dark skins.
Phototypes IV-VI.

