Melasma is the most common hyperpigmentation disorder and it affects millions of people around the glove. It is normally characterized by hyperchromic stains symmetrically localized at the centre of the face, on cheeks or at the lower region of the face.
Many factors are involved in the apparition of melasma being sun exposure the most important of them. It is corroborated that there is some genetic susceptibility to suffer it. Moreover, specialists believe that hormone changes are also involved in their apparition: pregnancy, use of contraceptives, alterations in thyroid function, the use of some medications and or certain cosmetics.
Survives conduced in different populations revealed that even a small affection of melasma in the facial area can lead to significant emotional and psychological affliction, that is why treating it appropriately is so important.
MeLine range of products developed in Innoaesthetics Laboratories, thanks to the join efforts of our R&D department and our medical department, offers an innovative therapeutic activity. Deep knowledge regarding the development and evolution of the melasma and how it affects to the different skin phototypes and to a specific area has allow our specialist to design products that treat these specific skin pigmentation problems in a safe and effective way.